Saturday, September 13, 2008

Don't tell me that we are not seduced by color!

Oreo cookies are not of much interest to me; they are kind of a sweet 'blah' and too crunchy. Ambling through the Halloween section of Target the other day, I saw oreos with bright orange centers! How intrigued I became; I picked up the package and read that the orange was flavored Oh my, I thought, orange and chocolate; what a delight. Of course, I bought a package. Oh, you know that I did.

Upon reaching the kitchen with this new delight, I opened the package trembling slightly with the prospect of the flavors of chocolate and orange. My first bite was a delight and then I had to have a second one because I was not sure that I could really taste the orange. Unsucessfully, a third one was taken and then I realized, Oreo cookies are not the taste treat that I expected. I had been seduced by color; they now reside in the back of my pantry. Yes, I will probably eat them; throwing away food is a very hard thing to do. Possibly, my office will be blessed with Oreos with bright orange centers.


Kate-uhh said...

LOL, Gammy! What a funny and true story. I do that in Korea with random food items, and well... fortunately, I am capable of throwing out squid-flavored potato chips.

Julie Southern (Studio Sherwood) said...

Hmmmm. Maybe orange oreos need to be dunked in brown coffee!